- Reading OBD2 car diagnostics in Linux screen terminal
- Unix time converter
- Making sense of Linux networking tools
- Real estate prices in Prague
- Generating JAXB classes in Java 17 from Gradle build script
- Using SOCKS proxy in Java
- Creating XML-Signature and XAdES signatures in Java
- Calling Oracle function with Spring 5.3 simple JDBC tools
- Tweet splitter
- Creating CAdES signature in Java
- Lock TCP ports for Spring app integration tests
- Download CA certificate from a server into a Java PKCS #12 key store
- Log requests and responses including body in Spring Boot
- Alexey's blocks
- Handling complexity in software development
- Launching a Java application from macOS Dock
- Adding custom HTTP headers to HTML links
- Deploying and using artifacts from a Maven directory repository
- Mocking and verifying Java functional interfaces with Mockito
- Upgrade Debian package from systemd service
- The Invaders From Space
- Publishing Gradle multi-project "Fat Jar" build to Artifactory
- Configuration of NGINX reverse proxy in front of a Spring Boot 2.1 application protected by OAuth 2.0
- Initialise column filters and sorting in ag-Grid Enterprise 21
- Finding a text in a PDF file with iText
- Changing a time zone in Spring Boot 2.x - PostgreSQL application
- Spring Security 5 OAuth 2.0: Skip login page in case of only one authentication service is configured
- Publishing Gradle plugin (plugins DSL) on JitPack.io
- Custom property (de)serialization not driven by Jackson annotations
- Add or remove items from a list of objects in a model attribute using Spring MVC and Thymeleaf
- Let's encrypt on Windows server + certificate bindings auto renewal
- The Big Five personality traits test
- New output directories in IntelliJ IDEA 2017 causes problems in Gradle tasks
- Java + ActiveJDBC: Reference to a static method + instrumentation = fail!
- Running Firefox in kiosk mode on Ubuntu Gnome 16.04
- Running Chrome in kiosk mode on Windows 10 Home
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth USB dongles for Raspberry Pi 1 model B with Raspbian Jessie
- How not to get confused by Spring Boot 1.5 web security auto-configuration
- Finding the Best Java ORM Framework for PostgreSQL
- Spring Boot + PostgreSQL + Custom Type = exception!
- Shared test sources in Gradle multi-module project
- Zero downtime deployment with Nginx proxy
- Spring Boot internationalisation with database stored messages and IBM ICU
- Request mapping on demand in Spring MVC
- Spring Boot + JPA (Hibernate) + Atomikos + PostgreSQL = exception!
- Remove all NULL checks from table in Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth USB dongles for Raspberry Pi 1 model B
- Gradle multi-project using cross dependent modules
- Generating Java classes with the Java 8 date and time API types by the JAXB
- Development of the Apache Nutch 1.10 plugin in IntelliJ IDEA using the Maven project
- Creating offline fallback page for the AngularJs web application using ApplicationCache
- How to connect Apache Solr 5.2.1 with Apache Nutch 1.10 and build concordancer on top of this stack
- Spuštění existující instalace Windows XP OEM - GMC-Dell ve VirtualBoxu 4.2.4 na Xubuntu 12.04 bez nutnosti Aktivace
- Přepínání rozložení klávesnice v Xubuntu 8.10