Evolution of Prague's real estate prices in relation to average salaries in the region.
The calculations are based on:
- Average monthly salary before taxes, provided by the Czech Statistical Office. The taxation in the Czech Republic is approx. 20% based on various tax benefits.
- Real estate offering prices, collected by the RealityMix.cz server.
Take in consideration that in up market, selling prices tend to be closer to the asking prices. In down market, when prices are falling the buyers tend to get bigger discounts. I.e. there is a bigger difference between selling and asking prices.
If you are interested in selling prices in your area, you may check the reas.cz map of prices. The selling prices are public record provided by the official Cadastre of Real Estate.
Number of average salaries to buy 60 m2 apartment
Number of rents for average salary
When rents tend to be cheaper, relatively compared to salaries needed to buy an apartment it may be more favorable to rent apartment in contrast with buying, and vice-versa.
Number of rents to buy the 60 m2 apartment
Indicates profitability of real estate purchased for investment purposes.
The charts are interactive, you may use then to explore prices and salaries in different areas of the Czech Republic, after clicking on the cog symbol. The available values are presented in the expandable catalog. JavaScript expressions can be used to adjust displayed values.
Some data in this document are updated manually, so these may not be up to date at time you are reading it.